Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's day.

On Friday morning I called my Mom like usual. I told her I missed her and she said, "I wish you were coming down this weekend." I asked her why (I had forgotten it was Mother's day... I had already sent her her present I had just forgotten that it was on Sunday.) My roommate and her brother were going down to Utah for the weekend, so I thought it would be fun to surprise her!
My Mom came home from work and was surprised to see me sitting at the kitchen table. She had no idea that I was coming!! It was fun to surprise her and to spend this weekend with her.
I am so grateful for my Mother. I was thinking about it today and I realized that she is exactly the mother that I need. She is there for me whenever I need her, and whenever I need to make a decision she offers her advice, but she has always let me be the person I want to be. I know she would love me no matter what I do. She is my very best friend and I hope to one day have a relationship with my children that her and I have. If you're reading this, I love you Mom.

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