Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Connect the dots....

Today in class my teacher played us a really good video. This is a commencement address from Stanford, given by Steve Jobs. I have been thinking about it a lot today. One of the things he talked about was how the decisions he made in life he didn't think about it at the time, but looking back everything fit. Basically what I got from it is that I shouldn't live my life being worried about how things are going to end up, but that I should do what I want and the pieces will all fit, the dots will all connect. Watch it. It's powerful:

It's pretty long but it is worth it. So inspirational!

1 comment:

Anouk said...

saw this video before i came across ur blog...cant help but comment on the ironical fact that all our lives we've been taught the opposite,joining the dots as we move along,doing the right things to make the next step fall in place.Not many people understand that life is lived backwards-what we 'will' do leads to what we 'did'...